Monday 5 November 2007

Message and Interpretation Brief

On Monday the 22nd October I bought The Daily Mail, The Daily Mirror and The Guardian Newspapers. After reading through and considering many stories and themes running through all three papers, I became most interested in the fact that The Daily Mail and The Guardian had adverts for E4's 'Lost for words' program about why Britain's children can't read, whilst The Mirror on the other hand had an advert for sky. Sky was advertising that all 19 Sky Mix channels would be free for kids to watch over the half term, helping children to keep 'occupied'.
I did some research, and when looking on the E4 website which was showing reasons why children are leaving PRIMARY SCHOOL unable to read, I found it most interesting that there was no mention of the fact that children spend a huge amount of their time watching t.v rather than playing, learning and exploring. I wanted to explore and communicate the connection between children watching too much t.v and their growing inability to read.

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