Tuesday 6 November 2007

Message and Interpretation continued...

Message and Interpretation part 3 (Resolution):

The challange was to produce pieces of packaging in response to our project exploration so far. I explored the link between a television and a book to display how books have been replaced by television and the illiteracy problems which are arising amoungst children today.
Above are some of the examples I crafted.

Message and interpretation part 2:

After initial research I was excited to continue exploration of the same theme, but this time I had to deliver three A3 2:1 format posters. I was finding it difficult to communicate a clear link between television vs. reading. I made some mini books with paper-chains in order to incorperate a child theme, and then thought that adding a fact with each would be interesting. I wasn't however completely satisfied that there was a strong enough visual communication for the viewer to understand?

Are children's books now been replaced my t.v.? How do I directly communicate this idea? So I made tiny consentina books in the shape of a t.v. set...

Below is my final pin up (after huge difficulties trying to get the centre pages of the 'book' to remain fanned out in an upright position!?) The comments I got back from other students were very positive however I think that had I made actual hard back books and then pinned them up in the same way it would have been more successful.

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