Thursday 17 April 2008

I regret having so many regrets which I actually dont regret since I've learnt from my mistakes.

During the Book of 100 brief I decided to focus on collecting and presenting people's regrets.
I realised that strnagers were not likely to have given me there deepest regrets, therefore wanted to present those which I had collected in such a way that when the viewer looks at them they feel as though they are invading privacy. This in mind I chose to make tiny books, only two fingers in length, each containing 100 pages.
Initially I wanted to make 100 of these books and place only one regret in each so that it sits not only hidden amoungst the remaining 99 pages but also hidden amoungst all the regrets in which the stranger did not share with me.
I completed 50 of these books which was unfortunately was my limit as each book took one hour to make which became a tedious process. I then chose to rather use ten of the books and place 10 regrets in each which possibly would be more interesting for the viewer's reading.

This is the poster I made to advertise my book 100 'release date'. I feel it doesn't really show the scale of my books effectively but the process was still fun to experiment with.

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