Wednesday 17 October 2007


SimonHeijdens, Clean Carpets, 2002 (Grafik Magazine, February 2007, page 72 Image 01)

The way in which the surface has been used really intruiges me and confirmes how much of an impact surfaces can make on a piece of work. It is intruiging the way Simon Heijdens has created this particular piece and I find his concept really interesting,

" A medium is a combination of elements. Like a black ink and a white paper need and use eachother to make an image. In some situations one of these elements is already present and available to use. With a high-pressure sprayer and a template, grime is removed from the pavement in the shape of a carpet. The clean spot appears, a place where one would want to sit. The image is made by taking away instead of adding. The carpet slowly disappears over time as the streets gathers fresh grime. "

I would like to explore the use of surfaces and texture even if in the simplest form such as different types of paper in which a delicacy can be seen.

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